Corporate Venturing with DB1 Ventures (Deutsche Boerse)

Eric Leupold Rebecca Qian Gong Deutsche Boerse

Eric Leupold, Head of DB1 Ventures and Rebecca Qian Gong, Vice Present DB1 Ventures, spoke to Rudolf Falat, founder of the Voice of FinTech podcast, about Deutsche Boerse's investment approach and success stories.

Here is what they covered:

  • Deutsche Boerse's current business range

  • DB1 Ventures is a corporate venturing arm of Deutsche Boerse

  • What kind of start-ups has DB1 invested in?

  • How does DB1 see start-ups? As disruptors, competitors or partners?

  • How does DB1's deal sourcing work?

  • How do they cooperate with other actors in the ecosystem?

  • How does the selection process work?

  • How does economics work?

  • How does the monitoring of the investments work?

  • Success stories of the start-ups that DB1 invested in

  • What's the best way to learn more about Deutsche Boerse Ventures and reach out

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