Americas Series with David Yakobovitch: How to save money on your auto financing with MotoRefi
David Yakobovitch spoke to Kevin Bennett, CEO of MotoRefi, about auto FinTech, its potential and how MotoRefi helps consumers save money on their car loans.
Here is what they covered:
What MotoRefi is and does
Saves consumers $100/month
Instant refi on their auto loans
Origin story
Auto finance as an underlooked area of fintech
Low awareness among consumers
Virtually no one was trying to solve this problem
HUGE market - $1.3 trillion industry in US alone
Self-service API Ecosystem
FinTech for the loans/finance, in particular, is a movement
Students loans / personal loans
Now auto loans too
Sofi, Even Financial, and Trellis
Growth thus far & recent news
2020 - 6x’d revenue, tripled headcount
New office in DC, added new senior hires
Final thought
“Most people’s cars aren’t doing them any favors when it comes to their finances, we’re on a mission to change this.”