Voice of FinTech: Summer 2021 book tips!

Hope you are well and safe! In the second season of the Voice of FinTech, we featured many guests who authored amazing books and we often asked guests for the book tips. We also chatted on Clubhouse about inspirational books on entrepreneurship, leadership, management, investing, FinTech, Tech. Here is the summary - Voice of FinTech 2021 summer book tips list! If you have more great tips or comments on these, don’t hesitate to e-mail us at info@voiceoffintech.com.

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February book tips and other resources

Following up on the recaps of February episodes of Voice of FinTech podcast, here are also book tips and additional resources related to February episodes. Subscribe to the podcast in your favorite podcast apps here.

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Digitalization of the Art Business by Voice of FinTech: Live Speaker Series

We caught up with Tanya Koenig, Host of “Out & About” & Digital Producer at CNNMoney Switzerland on the side of the Digitalization of the Art Business discussion as a part of Voice of Fintech: Live Speaker Series in Zurich. Entertainment by Sina Anastasia, a rising star of German pop scene, tapas and wine by Sevenfriday Space. In the bonus podcast episode, we talk about why traditional mega art dealers invested in digital platforms, how blockchain can be useful for art buyers and CNN Money Switzerland's plans for increased coverage of the start-up scene. Here is the transcript of this episode and further recommended reading at the end.

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